Ace Medical Weight Loss Center


Did you know we have a weight loss program?  

Our physician supervised FAT ME NOT® weight loss program is clinically proven. This system consists of dieting with SlimPlate System, exercise, counseling and when necessary, appetite suppressants.

CALL 803 325 2236 to enroll now!

SlimPlate System® Weight Loss Program

The active weight loss phase is designed to work quickly and effectively. During this phase the doctor will work to increase your metabolism through diet, exercise and when appropriate, medications. You will also receive the SlimPlate System - a 13 piece fine china set designed to build a diet around your own food so you do not have to buy diet meals. 


The length of this phase varies from person to person depending on desired goal weight. During this phase, the doctor will monitor you and your weight loss very closely.

During the transition phase you will slowly transition back to more normal eating habits. You will be educated on healthy eating habits and food preparation.

This phase is designed to help you keep the weight off.

The doctor will discuss your eating habits and exercise habits, as well as monitor your body fat and lean muscle.

Individualized Weight Loss Plan and Monitoring


Call today and we will make your appointment as soon as possible!


Weight Loss Programs are not typically covered by most health insurance companies. Even if there is a medical reason to lose weight. However, some insurance companies have recently added Wellness Programs that cover weight loss. Please check with your insurance company to see if this is available to you.



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